This study was conducted by Prof Weibing Wang and his team from Fudan University and published in Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. The study analyzed t factors associated with timely vaccination of pertussis-containing vaccines in children born in Shanghai from 2019 to 2023. The results showed that the average vaccination coverage rate was as high as 94.71%-99.53%, but the timely vaccination rate decreased with the increase of doses. The study concludes that pertussis-containing vaccine(DTaP-Hib and DTaP-IPV-Hib)are commonly used and substitute the NIP DTaP vaccine in Shanghai, with high coverage and timely vaccination rates, but some children experience delayed or missed vaccinations, warranting ongoing attention.
Administration of non-national immunization program vaccines for children under six in a rural county, Henan Province: Did costs matter?
This research was conducted by Prof. Qian Long, Yu Wang and team from Duke Kunshan University and published in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics., It examines the administration of non-National Immunization Program (non-NIP) vaccines among children under six in rural Henan, based on a survey of 1,051 participants. The findings reveal that over a quarter of children had not received any non-NIP vaccines, with high costs and inadequate physician-caregiver communication being the main barriers.