The sixth quarterly communication meeting of the Innovation Lab for Vaccine Delivery Research (VaxLab) was held on April 1st to 2nd, 2024 at the Peking University Health Science Center.
The meeting was attended by researchers and experts from leading think tanks, universities, and health institutions, including the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), the Health Development Research Center of the National Health Commission (NHRC), the China Institute of Financial Research (CIFR), China CDC, the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Peking University, Fudan University, Sichuan University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing Medical University, and Duke Kunshan University.

Research teams shared the progress (see Table 1 for key ongoing projects) in implementation and data analysis. VaxLab team also updated the key achievements in research and advocacy work since the fifth quarterly meeting in last September.
Table 1: On-going projects of VaxLab by April, 2024
Projects | PI |
Evaluation of the 45-Year Effects and Impacts of the National Immunization Program | Weibing Wang, Fudan University |
Key strategies to improve accessibility of non-NIP vaccines in China | Xiaohua Ying, Fudan University |
Study on the Economic Evaluation of China’s Immunization Program Vaccines | Hai Fang, Peking University |
Current Status of Maternal Vaccination in China and Research on Vaccination Awareness and Willingness during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period | Hong Jiang, Fudan Unversity |
Capacity building of vaccine modeling and health economics for Chinese health research institutions – using the case of RSV | Ling Yin, CAS Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology |
Research on the Vaccination Rate and Influencing Factors of Non-NIP Vaccines in Remote Areas of China | Chenkai Wu, Duke Kunshan University |
Prevalence of preference of mother for non-national immunization program vaccines in Chongqing | Qian Long, Duke Kunshan University |
Study on Gender Factors in Non-Immunization Program Vaccine Administration amid Changing Maternity Policies | Xiaolin Xu, Zhejiang University |
Assessing the effects of PIF and other health interventions for the promotion of HPV vaccination up-taking | Jing Li, Sichuan University Dan Wu, Nanjing Medical University |
Each project team shared the progress in research design, implementation, and data analysis. Other teams provided suggestions for improvement and addressed the challenges that the project team had encountered. The mutual support within the network facilitated the production of high-quality evidence. Prof. Shenglan Tang, Director of VaxLab and Co-Director of Global Health Research Center, summarized the key takeaways at the end. He said that most of the projects had made progress since the last quarterly meeting, and the preliminary results of some of these studies may have far-reaching impacts on future policy making. He suggested project teams further solidifying their research and analysis based on the feedback from the meeting and strengthening cross-team collaboration for improved research outputs quality.