Participating institutions included the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Peking University, Fudan University, Sichuan University, Zhejiang University, the Health Development Research Center of the National Health Commission, the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Peking Union Medical College. Additionally, experts and scholars from the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences and the Development Research Center of the State Council were present at the meeting.
Except for ongoing project updates, the meeting covered relevant topics, including a policy brief outline for the influenza vaccine presented by Dr. Luzhao Feng from Peking Union Medical College and the evidence database for combination vaccines, presented by Jiuling Li from Duke Kunshan University.
A special session about NIP policy advocacy and communication was co-presented by Guang Li, Sr. Communication Manager from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wenjing Shi, Research Analyst from New Media Research Institue of Peking University, and Zhangyang Pan, Sr. Communication Officer of VaxLab.
Discussions and appraisals focused on optimizing the research design for the new project proposals and the potential solutions to address the challenges of ongoing projects. Shenglan Tang, M.D., Ph.D., the Director of VaxLab, Duke Kunshan University, announced the plan to set up VaxLab’s communication team to amplify the impact of vaccine delivery research further. Dr. Anna Du, Senior Program Officer of Health, Innovation & Partnerships (HIP) of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, concluded the meeting with expectations for VaxLab to continue promoting access to life-saving vaccines.